As your new Golf Course Director at Wrekin Golf Club, I wanted to introduce myself to you all and inform you of my plan to give you regular course updates going forward. This is so you are hopefully all aware of any recent and upcoming potential plans we have for the course and give you an insight into what Harry and his team’s objectives are currently. I would also like to thank Dave Kibble for the great work he has done in this role over the past 7 years, with his and Harry’s team’s hard work I hope you would all agree that the course has been consistently incredible all year round for several years now and I hope to continue this trend.
Greens update: With the recent harsh cold weather, we took the decision to protect the greens as best as possible over the past week and utilise the temporary greens. Although we appreciate this is not ideal and we would prefer to be on full greens all year round it is a necessary procedure for extreme circumstance’s but we hope to reap the benefits in the long run. We currently have the green’s cut to a height of 4.5mm which is giving us an approximate speed of 7/7.5 on the stimpmeter. We plan to keep them at this height until spring where the weather will hopefully allow us to cut the greens to a desired height of 3mm, and finally during the summer potentially down to 2.5mm.
The next scheduled maintenance work: We have is 1st week of September where we will undertake deep scarification of the greens followed by deep aeration with the verti drain. We are hoping to start maintenance week slightly earlier than previous years to allow quicker repair and recovery.
Tree Work: As you make your way around the course recently you may have noticed the extensive tree work which has been done recently throughout various areas of the course but particularly on the 7th & 14th holes. The reasons for this have been to aid the air and light to teeing areas to aid grass recovery as well as improving the line of sight to the green from the tee. We have also undertaken work throughout the length of the lane for health & safety purposes and this week has also seen some extensive tree works to areas behind the 15th green and 16th tee as it had become clear that several trees were at risk of falling towards the motorway and had to be felled on health & safety grounds.
Other works: The greens team have also undertaken the task of repairing and repainting all the bench’s, bins and various fences throughout the course. We hope to have the course in peak condition for the start of the season and the first scheduled competition in April, the Tim Stubbs Memorial Shield. Thank you all for your support and if anyone has any questions or queries going forward then please do not hesitate to get in touch with myself, thank you.
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Dominic Bagnall- Course Director